Katherine Emsley

How to live a longer life.

How to live a longer life.

So far, there seems to be only one way to live a longer life and it is quite simple really. All you have to do is get a day older than you were yesterday. I highly recommend taking this process just one year at a time, sometimes even just one day at a time. You don’t...

14 December 2022

I am tired, so crushingly tired. Moving house is stressful enough, but moving towns that have different municipalities, different traffic departments, different rules needing different licenses, and different paperwork, is a whole new level of stress. But by far, the...
7 December 2022

7 December 2022

This morning I woke up in my new home. A small cottage on someone’s property, but it is too perfect for my current needs. I am needing some time to live a more simple life. I want, no, I need things to be smaller. Less. Less complicated, less difficult, and less...