Katherine Emsley

I am now in my 5th week of doing the Estima Protocol. After weighing myself again

yesterday, I have now lost 4.8kg in the first month. The weight loss together with my skin feeling so much healthier, are minor in comparison to some of the other benefits I am seeing.


This is a big one for me as I have spent the last two years in bed because of ill health. When I say in bed, I mean, I was lying down for 90% of the day. Be it because of MS or complications due to living in a damp environment. I was using a walking stick and struggling to breathe properly. I was incredibly weak, and fatigued, had constant spasms in my legs, hands, arms, and chest, and absolutely zero energy or motivation.

After the first month of eating clean, I started walking everywhere! WITHOUT a walking stick. I even danced in the shower this morning while I performed a concert for the Peace Lilies in the bathroom. I rocked!

You cannot imagine what this alone has done for my mood, confidence, and general health.


I am sleeping like a baby!!! Okay no, that’s incorrect, I don’t wake up every two hours to cry. So I guess I sleep more like a rock. Or a sack of flour that’s been dumped on a bakery floor. I hit the bed with a loud, thumping DOEF! And then wake up again at a reasonable hour in the same position. This may also be partly due to the fact that I also drink some CBD-infused water before bed.


My skin feels healthier and my dry scalp has improved considerably! I am back to washing my hair just twice a week instead of every day. This saves on shampoo, water, and effort. Yay!


Yes, I still have brain fog, but I accept that that may not be something that will go away, but let’s hope. But because I am now able to get some exercise, leave the house, meet people, and perform kickass concerts in the shower, my mood is considerably improved. I feel like a human again. 

Weight loss

Yes, it’s coming off. After being diagnosed with MS, I had to go into the hospital twice for three-day steroid infusions. Once because I couldn’t walk properly due to leg muscles in spasm, and the second time because I had optic neuritis and couldn’t see. It took about 6 weeks to be able to see again, but it would’ve taken a lot longer without the steroids. The steroids though made me put on 20kg and despite my continuing with Banting and doing everything I could to lose the weight again, I just couldn’t shift it. Heartbreaking after all the work I had done to lose the weight the first time around. A change of diet and lifestyle seems to be working though.

So what exactly am I doing differently? Well, I am working with a coach and a lovely group of ladies traveling the same journey, to cleanse my body, lose weight, prepare myself for the hormonal shitstorm that menopause will bring down on me in the nearish future, and fight this disease that decided to put a massive dent in my plans.

It takes hard work, dedication, and commitment. Not an easy thing to do at all, which is why it is so much better to do this with someone guiding you so that you don’t feel alone in this. The first few weeks were incredibly difficult as this is harder and stricter than Banting or Keto. No carbohydrates, no sugars, no dairy, no preservatives, no processed foods, and lots and lots of water for the first three months. However, I can’t express just how much my life has improved in the last few months and this has most certainly played a big, big role. I have moved to a small town and am living in a little cottage where I have privacy and quiet. I am breathing crisp, clean, dry air and I have access to safe spaces where I can go walking and exercise. I am now in the correct mental state to tackle my physical health and the Estima Protocol is helping me do that. Together with some light exercise and walking wherever I can instead of driving. 

So I am inviting you to walk this journey with me, inviting you to find your path to better health and walk it with me. If I can help and inspire just one person, I will be over the moon with joy and would love to hear from you!

You can follow me on Instagram at these two profiles:

Lifestyle: @katnipp_cleverbean

Creative: @katherine_emsley