Katherine Emsley

Drama Queen

Drama Queen

The spoon clattered to the tiled floor, echoing in the silent kitchen. Picking it up felt like a monumental effort. Fatigue gnawed at me, a relentless companion that no amount of sleep could shake. My limbs felt heavy, like weights that were constantly my burden to...

Encounters Series: 1. The Nutcracker

Encounters Series: 1. The Nutcracker

I walk up to the bar and choose a seat, it’s just a little bit too high for me to be able to climb up easily. I hold onto the bar with both of my hands and push up using my toes, lifting myself up onto the seat. I manage to do it as gracefully as can be expected. The...

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No good deed, no good change.

No good deed, no good change.

Trevor McKinney’s inspirational question, “What did you ever do to change the world?”, serves as a reminder that even small acts can help create change. Although one person may not be able to alter the whole world, they can still make an impact by helping a single individual.

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