Katherine Emsley

Katherine Emsley uses her own experiences as a source of inspiration when writing. Her examination of complicated female characters and unvarnished honesty are trademarks of her work. Emsley explores issues of adversity and trauma, focusing on strong women and their journeys of growth and resilience, in an effort to give a relatable voice to her characters.

Emsley finds inspiration in life’s subtleties and beauty. She currently resides in the South African countryside with her rescue dog.

I scribble, doodle, and write stuff.

Latest Story

Delores was a dreamwalker, she could slip into the unconscious minds of others as easily as a breeze into an open window. It was a gift, perhaps a curse; she wasn’t sure. At first, she thought it was a terrible burden, but as the years passed, she found a strange power in it. She could see the depths of people—their darkest fears, their wildest desires that even they weren’t aware of. And she could see them in a way no one else could.

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Before I go is a brilliant read, a fantastic insight into the authors life in SA and beautifully written and illustrated. Witty and heartwarming. Highly recommend.

-Amazon Customer



15 + 7 =

I’d like to experience love. How wonderful it must be, imagine loving someone and that someone loving me.